This album features Alex Hughes, Kevin Hirth & Michael Tehrani. All three grew up in Houston, Texas and were members of Hatred Surge, Gay Marriage and Machinegunromantics.
From Anthems of the Undesirable: "Holy Money’s The Language Machine is a sonically and conceptually heavy monolith that defies the “sludge” and “stoner” monikers lazily attached to most slow, metallic bands. Realistically, Holy Money play death metal , but with rhythmic and hypnotic songwriting that borders on psychedelia instead of violence, gore, or aggression. To be sure, this album is brutal – but more like a J.G. Ballard novel than a Bolt Thrower record.
Six tracks contemplating human consciousness and communication over 46 minutes. Strongly recommended for enthusiasts of Corrupted, Bastard Noise, and DMT."